Farewell SVMA Newsletter

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Farewell Lia Newsletter.pdf 3.75 MB 01/19/2010 16:27
To a Standing Ovation, Lia Transue Bids Farewell
THE SVMA COMMUNITY GREETED news of Executive Director Lia Transue’s resignation as a mae- stro’s finale –silence at first, then a resounding ovation. So integral has Lia been to SVMA’s personality and growth, that we reach deep to imagine the future of the small and excellent museum she has worked so hard to shape during her eight-year tenure.
And a noteworthy tenure it is! The Museum’s formative years saw Lia donning a hardhat through two major renovations while orchestrating the impressive growth of the museum’s membership, now the North Bay’s largest. Over sixty exhibitions including Picasso, Goya, and Rodin, as well as exhibitions celebrating multicultural and contemporary art would travel to Sonoma under Lia’s guidance. Personally, she curated the museum’s first international exhibition and introduced new and emerging talent such as Sandow Birk and Jonathan Barbieri, efforts which earned her a seat on the board of the California Association of Museums. Throughout, Lia was instrumental in securing major gifts to the museum and developing superb educational and music programs.
SVMA, like the precocious, fast-growing teen it is, has had no shortage of demands, and in Lia, no more patient and nurturing parent. Though honored in 2008 as one of Sonoma’s “Individuals of the Year,” SVMA more aptly deems her mother of the year. Hers would be difficult to call a “job”––or even a position— rather a 24/7 lifestyle. We greet her words, “the time has come for me to pursue other interests in my life” with a bittersweet smile––and an understanding nod.
At her side throughout has been Lia’s husband Blaine Transue , always ready with camera or technological expertise. His contribution too represents a steadfast gift of time and talent for which SVMA is deeply grateful.
As SVMA braces for its next spurt of growth, a single portrait-of-mind will surely hover in the galleries for years to come—its first Executive Director Lia Transue—a leader and spirit to whom we now give a deep and lengthy bow.

THE SVMA COMMUNITY GREETED news of Executive Director Lia Transue’s resignation as a mae- stro’s finale –silence at first, then a resounding ovation. So integral has Lia been to SVMA’s personality and growth, that we reach deep to imagine the future of the small and excellent museum she has worked so hard to shape during her eight-year tenure.
And a noteworthy tenure it is! The Museum’s formative years saw Lia donning a hardhat through two major renovations while orchestrating the impressive growth of the museum’s membership, now the North Bay’s largest. Over sixty exhibitions including Picasso, Goya, and Rodin, as well as exhibitions celebrating multicultural and contemporary art would travel to Sonoma under Lia’s guidance. Personally, she curated the museum’s first international exhibition and introduced new and emerging talent such as Sandow Birk and Jonathan Barbieri, efforts which earned her a seat on the board of the California Association of Museums. Throughout, Lia was instrumental in securing major gifts to the museum and developing superb educational and music programs.
SVMA, like the precocious, fast-growing teen it is, has had no shortage of demands, and in Lia, no more patient and nurturing parent. Though honored in 2008 as one of Sonoma’s “Individuals of the Year,” SVMA more aptly deems her mother of the year. Hers would be difficult to call a “job”––or even a position— rather a 24/7 lifestyle. We greet her words, “the time has come for me to pursue other interests in my life” with a bittersweet smile––and an understanding nod.
At her side throughout has been Lia’s husband Blaine Transue , always ready with camera or technological expertise. His contribution too represents a steadfast gift of time and talent for which SVMA is deeply grateful.
As SVMA braces for its next spurt of growth, a single portrait-of-mind will surely hover in the galleries for years to come—its first Executive Director Lia Transue—a leader and spirit to whom we now give a deep and lengthy bow.